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It gives me extreme pleasure to write this message. We want to create a platform for the students to express their creative pursuit which develops in them originality of thought and perception. Our major aim is to nurture wonderful creativity of thoughts and imagination of our students and make them progress in life.

For one who has just stepped into this world and begun to toddle the journey of life, falling, getting up, and again faltering every moment is a startling experience of awe, wonder and endless curiosity. This is, perhaps, the most crucial phase of life where the marks we leave, every small scratch and impression play a decisive role in moulding one''s personality. The kind of education we impart to a child at MK Convent School lays the foundation of life and shapes its destiny. That explains all our concerns and anxieties of education.

It is with a strong commitment to the quest for excellence in the field of education, that MK Convent School established and is making rapid progress in enhancing its potential and changing its outlook towards providing better resources required to impart the best all round quality education laced with morality. It gives MK Convent School within its short span has established itself as a top class institute.

I extend my warm wishes to the Staff and Students of parents of School to continue this journey on the road of excellence.

"May the sapling grow into a sturdy tree and spread its branches"